Miniforce Wiki
Miniforce Wiki

Miniforce (미니특공대) is a South Korean Animated Series produced by SAMG Entertainment, featuring a team of four adorable little animals - Volt, Sammy, Max, and Lucy as special agents of a secret force called the 'Miniforce'. When danger arises, they transform into humanoid rangers and fights for justice against avenging villains, with the help of mentors and colleagues.


Long, long ago, a group of small animals formed a secret organization: Miniforce. They selected creatures with special powers to join their forces and protect the peace between animals and humans. Today, with advanced technology and power, the Miniforce fights for justice.

Volt, Sammy, Max, and Lucy, top agents of the Miniforce, works together to save Bluebell Village from the hands of Nien and his underling, Pascal.

Animals in danger? No problem! When the Force Gem alerts, it’s time to transform! With the Miniforce Agents and their Force Bots on their way, villains beware!



Miniforce Rangers

The main four Miniforce Agents

Blue Miniforce Agent Volt
Red Miniforce Agent Sammy
Yellow Miniforce Agent Max
Pink Miniforce Agent Lucy
Black Miniforce Agent Ray
Green Miniforce Agent Hawk
Miniforce Trainer Anna
Former Miniforce Agent Ipas



Supporting Characters


Transformation Device


  • Trans-Weapons
    • Light Gun
    • Storm Machine Gun
    • Wind Sword
    • Flame Bow




Trans-Cars / Force Bots


  • Um Sang-hyun as Volt
  • Jeon Tae-yeol as Sammy
  • Lee Soyoung as Lucy
  • Sin Yong-woo as Max
  • Nam Do-hyeong as Ray



Titles are from the subtitled/dubbed version of the series as seen on Netflix and Youtube.

Season 1

  1. New Heroes
  2. New Threat
  3. Attack of Spider Mechamon
  4. Fortune of the Day
  5. Courage of Turtles
  6. Miniforce and Baby Iguana
  7. Scary Vending Machine
  8. Lucy the Chef
  9. There's Something About Ipas
  10. Hypnotic Music
  11. Attack of Medusa
  12. Fatally Delicious Candy
  13. Sammy's Betrayal Part 1
  14. Sammy's Betrayal Part 2
  15. Deadly Sweet Fragrance
  16. Battle with Vacuum Mechamon
  17. Cause of the Disease
  18. Shadow in the Dark
  19. Kungfu Master Cho Part 1
  20. Kungfu Master Cho Part 2
  21. Destined Rivals
  22. Dangerous Curiousity
  23. Black Miniforce 1
  24. Black Miniforce 2
  25. Saving Dr. Tao
  26. Invincible Miniforce

Season 2

  1. Arrow of the Griffin
  2. Give Our Veggies Back!
  3. Alien Jody Part 1
  4. Alien Jody Part 2
  5. Secret of the Crying Pollen
  6. Legend of the Pyramid
  7. Twin Penguin Thieves Part 1
  8. Twin Penguin Thieves Part 2
  9. Halloween Party Part 1
  10. Halloween Party Part 2
  11. Dangerous Smartphone
  12. Strange Dream
  13. Serpent Witch Part 1
  14. Serpent Witch Part 2
  15. Secret of the Monster Part 1
  16. Secret of the Monster Part 2
  17. Precious Electricity
  18. Suspicious Frog
  19. Shaku, the Pirate King Part 1
  20. Shaku, the Pirate King Part 2
  21. Ravenous Croaker Part 1
  22. Ravenous Croaker Part 2
  23. Prophecy of the Peacock
  24. Miraculous Courage
  25. Miniforce, The Final Battle Part 1
  26. Miniforce, The Final Battle Part 2


  1. Miniforce: Justice Defender[1]
  2. Miniforce: New Heroes Rise[2]


(Warning, the content below contains spoilers from the episodes)

Season 1:

  • Lucy is the only female agent who appears within the series and films, unlike Anna who only appears in the films and Ipas who makes occasional appearances throughout the series.
  • Volt and Lucy has the only Force Bots with Force Flashes.
  • Ipas is also a former Miniforce Agent. In "There's Something About Ipas," she is the female Black Miniforce Agent. After her betrayal, she worked with Commander Chen to redeem herself.
  • In "Attack of Medusa," the Pink Force Bot isn't used since Lucy was the only Miniforce Agent turned to stone.
  • "Destined Rivals" debuts former Green Miniforce Agent, Hawk.
  • The 2-part episodes "Black Miniforce" and 'Saving Dr. Tao' debuts Ray.
  • The finale episode "Invincible Miniforce" is the 1st time the 4-way fusion of the Force Bots is used. All 4 Force Bots are combined as 1.
  • When using the 2-way fusion: Sammy (Red) is paired with Lucy (Pink), and Max (Yellow) is paired with Volt (Blue).

Season 2:

  • The debut episode "Arrow of the Griffin," the Force Bot Weapons are first shown, courtesy of Dr. Tao.
  • The 2-part episode of "Alien Jody," Ray is now an ally of the Miniforce after learning the truth from Dr. Tao in "Saving Dr. Tao."
  • The theme song for the Miniforce's transformations gained lyrics in season two instead of instrumental.
  • "Legend of the Pyramid" is the first time all 5 Miniforce Agents (Volt, Sammy, Max, Lucy, Ray) are temporarily fighting together. It's the 1st episode in Season 2 where the 4 main Force Bots aren't used to defeat a Mechamon. Only Ray's Force Trans-Bot was dispatched
  • The 2-part episode of "Halloween Party," the 4-way fusion of the Force Bot Weapons is 1st used, as the Super Force Cannon.
  • The 2-part episode of "Shaku, the Pirate King," Part 2 is the first time Ray uses his Force Bot with the Miniforce Agents.
  • "Prophecy of the Peacock" is the 1st episode where the Miniforce Agents don't declare their Force Bot Weapons. This time, they just appear at will.
  • The 2-part finale episode "Miniforce, The Final Battle," Pascal is defeated, as well as the Force Bots when they explode. The Automatic Safety System revives the Miniforce and their Force Bots.


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